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Desde mi punto de vista


To be honest, I wasn't pro-choice a few months ago. I went to a Catholic school where these issues were not discussed because they went against "god's law" but they made it clear to us that abortion was something that, in simple words: it would take you to hell.

I've always known that abortion is not a pretty thing, in fact it's quite the opposite, but it wasn't until a professor at my university said in class: "That thing about abortion and that my body makes my decisions... well, it's not true."

That was when I understood that if it is difficult to decide what I believe when I do not have to make the decision to abort or not to abort, it is much more difficult for those women than if they have to make it and a million times worse when there are people like my teacher who thinks that he has the power to decide what is and what is not on a subject on which he does not have an opinion.

It's not just about religion either...

“We are in favor of the legalization of abortion because Catholics also abort. We expand the possibility of women's freedom to choose, we do not impose on anyone to do so. You have to get rid of personal beliefs when legislating and guaranteeing the rights of women”. (Marta Alanis, from the Catholic and Feminist Association).

Obviously there are all kinds of opinions, neither my family nor most of my friends are pro-abortion, but everyone respects my opinion and I know they would support me if I had to have an abortion.

All women may actually need to abort according to figures recovered by El Financiero; between 750,000 and one million women perform clandestine abortions due to lack of access to safe abortion clinics, this is one of the reasons why women should have the option to decide because although it may seem ridiculous to some people, we want to have control about our body.

According to El Economista, "Unsafe abortion is the fourth leading cause of death for young women", 6 out of 10 women die from complications.

Even knowing this, abortion is considered a crime in Mexico, the reproductive health of women depends on the government. The methods to achieve a clandestine abortion are dangerous mainly due to the lack of correct medical attention and the laws, only between 2015 and 2018 more than 2 thousand women were imprisoned, fined and/or sentenced with community service.

Data from Forbes Mexico state that the only places where pregnancy can be legally terminated without cause are CDMX and Oaxaca. This means that in Jalisco, Morelos, Nayarit, Puebla, Querétaro, Quintana Roo, Chihuahua, Colima, Durango, Guanajuato, San Luis Potosí, Sonora, Chiapas, Tamaulipas, Veracruz, Yucatán and Nuevo León, having an abortion makes a woman a criminal.

I want to clarify that being pro-abortion does not mean that we are "baby killers", for example I have a 1-year-old niece whom I love with all my heart, and another on the way to be born whom I am going to love with all my heart. Even so, if a woman (friend or not) told me that she is pregnant and that she wants to have an abortion, I would support her without hesitation.

From my point of view, at some point in history, abortion became a political issue when it should be treated as a safe and dignified health issue. Today I am sure that the word abortion is not cursed, that abortion should be legal, safe and free and I am also sure that I am pro-abortion.


El financiero

Forbes Mexico

El economista


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