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Why the fear of being a woman?

From my point of view


I am going to be completely honest, the harassment that I have had to experience as a woman is "normal" you know the whistles in the street, the sexual yells in the street, indirect sexist comments from teachers or micro-sexist comments within my family. A few years ago I saw that as something everyday, for this very reason I lived without fear. It was when I began to inform myself that I realized how dangerous it is to be a woman and even more so in Mexico.

Image: Wix Resources

Today I live in fear, not only for myself but for my mother, my sister, my almost two-year-old niece, my friends, etc. and sorry for the word but I'm fed up with the mother, but I don't think that men (or at least most of them) know what it's like to feel like you're being followed in a square and have to hide in a Sanborns because you don't you know what to do, or not knowing how to say no to someone with whom you are in a "compromising" position, or how horrible it feels to feel that disgusting look if you dare to go out with a skirt on the street.

I'm not saying that "all men are like that" I know it's not, but I also know that you can almost never be sure that your friend, your boyfriend, your neighbor, the cop or someone close to you is thinking of doing something to you because believe me you don't see it coming until it happens. If you don't believe me, watch the news or the missing women, do the experiment of typing in Google the name of any woman followed by the word femicide or rape and I assure you that you will see at least 5 cases.

The fear that tomorrow it will touch me is one of the worst feelings I have ever experienced, I remember once talking to my mom and telling her; "I think my worst fear is being raped" and not knowing what to say, he just hugged me in silence. I know that rapes are not, as my former professor of Cultural History would say, except for women, it has also happened to men and I am not trying to minimize this problem, but I want to explain that 88% of sexual assaults are towards women, and it is important to emphasize that for every sexual crime against a man, there are 11 against women.

Rape, misogyny, sexual harassment, femicide and many others, affect us all, however from what I have lived and what I know, they mainly affect women, that is why we march, that is why we share the feminist movement in networks social and that is why we are no longer going to remain silent (you).


- Forbes Mexico

- The confidential


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