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The "generation glass"

From my point of view


According to the newspaper Milenio, the term crystal generation refers to: "young people born after the year 2000, who are in their teens and are beginning to come of age." It has always been a problem for me to know if I am part of this generation because I was born in 99 and everyone has the definition of it but according to my family I am.

Normally this term is used as an insult to say that a generation is very fragile or demanding because it is that generation that makes noise when it does not agree with a situation (such as gender equality issues). The problem is that although today great humanistic advances are being made; the legalization of abortion, LGBT + marriage, regulations for minorities within organizations, etc... there is still a long way to go.

I was aware of this when I was talking to one of my brothers about inclusive languages. He is against it and thinks that they are absurd and unnecessary but when the previous president of México, Vicente Fox, referred to the Mexican people as "ciudadanas y ciudadanos", it was also considered absurd and unnecessary for many at the time.

I realized that what my college professor said is really accurate: "the most difficult thing is to transform other people's mentality" when trying to generate a positive change. My brother has the idea that inclusive language is a new fad that the crystal generation wants to implement because we just don't want to be like the others, but I have always thought that what he really means by such comments is that the crystal generation does not conform.

Personally, I do not see anything wrong with that, I have always tried not to resign myself to anything and always seek more, of course trying not to hurt others #useafacemask, but when it comes to something that is good for you and will only enrich your life, why not change it? or even better, why not reform it?

I want to emphasize that not all the people who belong to this generation are like that, there is diferent people with diferent mind sets everywhere. However, the crystal generation that I know is not conformist, they seek to innovate and generate positive changes in society, it can be a bit intimidating because we have many ideas and opinions but it is not a bad thing, just new.


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